Creative Party Theme Ideas
Coming up with creative party theme ideas gets harder and harder the older you get. When you’re a kid, coming up with creative parties is really easy. Basically, all you have to do is be the first to have a theme party dedicated to a particular show or character that you and your friends like. If your best buddy had a Ninja Turtles party last week, you can have a Mighty Morphing Power Rangers party this week, for example. If your friend had his Yu-Gi-Oh party, have a Pokémon birthday party. Your friends will all be happy with it as long as they are getting candy and goody bags.
People start to come up with the real creative parties once they get to college, however. Most of the really creative party theme ideas for college parties have to do with outlandish costumes that will allow people to show off what they got. Some of them are whimsical, while others are downright bawdy. It doesn’t matter. College kids like all of those parties. They provide people with an excuse to really cut loose while they drink not that most of these kids need an excuse.
The really challenging thing is coming up with creative party theme ideas for a coworker party. Parties with your coworkers have to strike a delicate balance. On one hand, offices are adult places and your coworkers are likely to have adult tastes. They want to drink, flirt, dance, and have a good time. On the other hand, you want a party that is not too risqué. You don’t want to offend anyone, and you don’t want stories going around the next day. All in all, the more creative your party theme ideas, The more you might have to answer for.
That is why it is always good to take the high road. Have a party dedicated to some cultural phenomenon. Have everyone dress as his or her own hero. Make sure that your party serves as an invitation for everyone to think about their costumes. Make it so that it will be fun for people of all ages.
Alternately, you can stay away from costumes altogether. One of my favorite creative party theme ideas is to have a theater games party. Everyone comes just as they are, has a few drinks, and starts playing various drama games. Theater games are a lot of fun, and they can be played with a few simple props.